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|Meaning | Alphabets | पुरुष वचन कारक (Gender Forms & Cases) |

Yoga & Sanskrit – Grammar

संस्कृत व्याकरण



  • Sanskrit saskta: “prepared, cultivated, purified, refined 

  • Sanskrit has its forms of  standardization in the important grammar book by Pāini, 

  • Sanskrit grammar is similar to that of other older Indo-European languages, such as Latin and Greek; it is highly  inflected and complex.

Alphabets :


            Consisting of 48 signs

            14 vowels and diphthongs, and

            34 basic consonants

स्वर Vowles


अ   आ   इ   ई   उ   ऊ  ऋ  ऌ  ए   ऐ   ओ   औ   अं   अः 

व्यञ्जन  Consonents

क   ख   ग   घ   ङ

च   छ   ज   झ   ञ

ट   ठ   ड   ढ   ण

त   थ   द   ध   न

प   फ   ब   भ   म

य   र   ल   व   श

स   ष   ह   | (क्ष   त्र   ज्ञ)

             In use from the 7th century AD and occurring in its mature form from the 11th century onward, Devanāgarī is characterized by long, horizontal strokes at the tops of the letters, usually joined in modern usage to form a continuous horizontal line through the script when written. In practice, the script—though alphabetic in origin—is syllabic, with a short a sound being understood after each consonant unless the sign for an alternative vowel is used. This is the bases for the defference of Ajanta and Subanta.

Nāgarī, Indian script (alphabets given above) used to write the



Hindi, and

Marathi languages

पुरुष वचन कारक (Gender Forms & Cases)

 Gender पुरुष

 Sanskrit has three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter)

तीन पुरुष पुल्लिंग, स्त्रीलिंग एवं नपुंसकलिंग 

वचन या Vachans

three numbers (singular, dual, and plural)

तीन वचन एक वचन, द्विवचन एवं बहुवचन 

कारक या Case (eight)

1.      प्रथमा कर्ता             nominative -     ने

2.      द्वितीय कर्म             accusative   -     को

3.      तृतीय -  करण         instrumental -     के द्वारा

4.      चतुर्थ  - सम्प्रदान    dative      -     के लिये

5.      पंचम  - अपादान       ablative     -     से

6.      षष्ठी  - सम्बन्ध        genitive     -     का के की, रा रे री आदि

7.      सप्तमी                         locative     -     में पर,

8.      अष्टमी सम्बोधन     vocative          -             

   Although only in the singular of the most common declension does a noun show different forms for each case. Adjectives are inflected to agree with nouns. Verbs are inflected for tense, mode, voice, number, and person.


Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.