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|What is “Yogavashaistha” ?|Topics discussed|Philosophical foundations/presuppositions|Concept of Yoga in Yogavashaistha|Yogic Practice discussed|Concept of Health and Disease|References|

Traditional texts of Yoga - 3

 Therapeutics aspects discussed there in


See other also

 |Bhagavadgita| Tattariya Upanishad|Yogopanishads|Yogavashaistha|


What is “Yogavashaistha” ?


Yogavashaistha is the ancient text which basically consists in the form of dialogue between Rama the pontiff of Ayodhya kingdom Rishi Vashistha regarding the nature of reality, nature, aim and final destination of human being, nature of the world, reason  behind Unity in diversity etc. The areas and subject material discussed in Yogavashaistha ranges from the Yoga-Spirituality, Religion, Social norms, Yogic practices, Yogasiddis and nature and attainment of Siddis. 

As a voluminious text Yogavashaistha is said to be originally consisted of thirty two thousands verses, but now in printed version twenty eight thousand verses are found. What is the status of Gita in Mahabharata the same is applicable with regarding to Yogavashaishta, which is some times also called as Laghu-Ramayana.


Topics discussed in Yogavasishtha

(relating to Yoga & Health and Disease)


In the central discussion which revolves round the removing-off the skeptic mental dispositions of Rama, yogic aspects have also been profusely discussed. Prominent among them are : 


Methods of Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka.


Ways and methods for controlling of mind and tranquility.


Destruction of Adhi and Vyadhi


Manonigraha – needs and benifits


Realization of the movement of Prana-Apana leads to liberation which is the stage of from all sufferings and diseases


The seven Stages (Bhumi) of Yoga and their characteristics


The destiny of Yogabhrasta


The falsity of creation and essential unity of all pervading (i.e. Brahaman).


Philosophical foundations/presuppositions of Yogavashaistha 


Yogavashaistha establishes that the Brahman is the only Reality.


Varieties and differences in the world are due to erroneous or incomplete knowledge of reality.


Yoga is the potential method for realization.


On the path of Yogic practice, various Siddhis are  also attained.


Prana-sadhana is the potential method, through which stretching the prana in Bhrumadhya or Brahmadha (sahasrar charka) region one realizes the final reality or Brahama :

प्राणाघनगतिष्वक्ष रेचकादिप्रकल्पनम्।

प्राणापानोदयलयस्थानं ब्रह्मा च वर्ण्यते।।

-                       निर्वाणप्रकरणम्/25/2


Conceptual chain as expressed in Yogavasistha follows like this: 

The cause of the body


Cause of the Mind is

Pranaspanda and Vasana (flow or activity of Prana and desires)

The cause of Pranaspanda and Vasana

Objects and subjects

The cause of the object


Cause of Jivatma



Tattvajnana, Vasana-kshaya and Manonasha   Acqisition of Paramapada

Table Ref. मनसः स्पन्दनं प्राणः प्राणस्य स्पन्दनंमनः। एतौ वितरतौ नित्यमन्योन्यं रथसारथी।। Y.V. 6/69/46


Concept of Yoga in Yogavashaistha


Yogavashaistha defines yoga as : 

मनः प्रशमनोपायो योग इत्यभिधीयते

Means, Yoga is the method through which tranquility and peace of mind attained. Yet another place Yoga has been defined as of two kinds viz. Atmajnana method and Pranasamrodha method. Atmajnana is the method which seeks the knowledge and realization of Brahman, while Pranasamrodha is the method which is based on the Samrodba of Prana or Pranayama. Rishi Vashistha describes this meaning of the Yoga as “Brisham” or more appropriate meaning of the Yoga.


Text Box: सन्दर्भ : योगवाशिष्ठ - निर्वाणप्रकरणम्/25/2




Yogic Practice discussed in Yogavashaistha



Asanna, Pranasamrodha (Pranayama), Indriya Nigraha (Pratyahara), Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Out of the above Pranavidya has been elaborately discussed 

*           The definition of Prana given as : 

प्राणोSयमनिशं ब्रह्मस्पन्दशक्तिः सदागतिः।

सबाह्याभ्यन्तरे देहे प्राणोयमुपरि स्थितिः।। 

*           Definition of Swasthaya in terms of Prana and Apana

By restoring or attaining the appropriate movement of the Prana and Apana one becomes healthy and attains the bliss. 

प्राणापानगतिं प्राप्य सुस्वस्थः सुखमेधते।


The concept of disease and Health in Yogavashistha



“How diseases occur into the body ?” and “how they are destroyed ?”, Rama at one place asked this question to rishi Vashistha. Rishi explains this through the  concepts of Adhi and Vyadhi. Adhi is the Psychological disorder where mental dispositions and results into a kind of imbalance which generates the condition of physical disease which is the Vyadhi. Both Adhi and Vyadhi incur the sufferings, pain and pangs to the human being. Through the treatment of drugs these Adhi and Vyadhi are cured and happiness is attained, but Yogavashistha does not confine to this stage and adds one more dimension as through the knowledge they (Adhi & Vyadhi) are destroyed and Moksha is attained. 

आधि + व्याधि[1]   

दुःख का कारण



औषधियों से निवृत्ति   

सुख की प्राप्ति


ज्ञान के द्वारा          

समूल नाश




 Fig : depicting the concept of Adhi and Vyadhi, their causes and eradication.

Yogavashistha says that the Adhi and Vyadhi both may simultaneously incur or they may afflict the body as the cause of each other. Here Yogavashistha in its metaphysical terminology states about the fundamental cause of both as ‘Ajnana’. It also enlists the causes of disease as : 

*           Due to the recurrence of the strong desires

*           Ignorance

*           Uncontrol of Chitta

*           Improper food-items etc – Kujirnata - Ajirnata[2]

Due to above listed causes first Pranavayu attains its improper flow and disturbs the Nadis or  micro channels of the energy of the body and onward whole Health is affected or lost. 

आधि से व्याधि[3]


प्रबल इच्छा

व्याधि से आधि  

वात-पित्त-कफ का वैषम्य


प्राण-अपान की गति में प्रभाव[4] या परिवर्तन

शारीरिक दोषों का उद्भव जिससे


नाड़ियों में प्राण का असन्तुलन

नाड़ियों की विषमावस्था


शारीरिक ऊर्जा स्तर का असन्तुलन

मानसिक ऊर्जा का असन्तुलन


व्याधि या शारीरिक रोगावस्था

आधि या मनोरोगावस्था

Fig : depicting the interchangeability of Adhi and Vyadi


[1]      आधयो व्याधयश्चैव द्वयं दुःखस्य कारणम्।

तन्निवृत्तिः सुखं विद्यात्क्षयो मोक्ष उच्यते।। Y.V. 6/81/12 

[2]  कुजीर्णत्वमजीर्णत्वमति जीर्णत्वमेव वा। दोषायैव प्रयात्यन्नं प्राणसंचारदुष्क्रमात्।।  Y.V 6/81/34

[3]  आधेः कथं भवेद्व्याधिझ कथं च स विनश्यति।                     Y.V. 6/81/29

[4]  संक्षोभात्साम्यमुत्सृज्य वहन्ति प्राणवायवः।...........

असमं वहन्ति प्राणे नाड्यो यान्ति निसंस्थिताम्।     Y.V 6/81/32-33



  1. Yogavashistha (in 4 vols.), Ed. Dr. Kanta Gupta, Nag Publishers, 1998, New Delhi
  2. Sankshipta Yogavashistha, Gita Press Gorakhapur, U.P.
  3. Yogavashistha (in two vols.), ed. Shriram Sharma Acharya, Sanskriti Sansthan, Barely, U.P.
  4. Yoga Traditions




Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.