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List of all Topics
|What is Taittariya Upanishad?|The Meaning of the word "Taittariya"|Important Considerations|Theory of Five Sheaths|Different Functions of the Panchakosha : Physiological Aspects|The aim of Yoga Therapy|Kosha, Disorders related with, and suggested effective Yoga Practices|References|

Traditional texts of Yoga - 2

Therapeutics aspects discussed there in

Taittariya Upanishad

See other also

 |Bhagavadgita| Tattariya Upanishad|Yogopanishads|Yogavashaistha|

What is Taittariya Upanishad?

Taittariya Upanishad belongs to the Yajurveda,  it is one of the Olderst Upansishads. It is in fact the part of the Taiitiriya Aranyaka whose chapters 7,8,9 constitute the whole subject material of the Taittariya Upansihad. What is remarkable about the Taittariya Upanishad that it is one of the widely practiced and still living traditions of Indian Spiritual heritage. 

The Taittariya Upanishad is composed of three broad chapters namely : 

  1. I Chapter -  शिक्षावल्ली,
  2. II chapter  - ब्रह्मानन्दवल्ली
  3. III chapter - भृगुवल्ली

The Meaning of the word "Taittariya"


In the fifth Mandala of the Rigveda the indication about the meaning of the term “Tittari” is occurs,  where Vedic God Indra refers the word for the group of people who subsist on the grain materials. Therefore, the denotative meaning of the term may be interpreted as the “those who eats/subsists on grain articles”. Although, Taittariya Upanishads mentions and emphasizes on the Ahara and its relation to supreme reality.

बहु अन्नं कुर्वीत। ..... अन्न निद्यात्।  

अन्नं ब्रह्म विजानीयात्।

Important Considerations 


*                                   Five Sheaths and their subsequent realization leads to Brahman

*                                   Grades of the Bliss

*                                   Convocation ceremonial Address

*                                   Yogic Practice indicated : Tattariya Upanishad indicates about the “Khehari Practice” considered as one of the profound, difficult and esoteric practice of the HathYoga. However the word “विचिकित्सा occurs in Upanishad but in the sense as to indecisiveness about the right selection.

Theory of Five Sheaths


Tattiriya Upanishads theory of five sheaths is basically the interpretation of the existence in the five essential sheaths of Kosha. These sheath are :

Annamaya Kosha


Phsical Sheath

Pranamaya Kosha


Pranic or Vital Sheath

Manomaya Kosha


Mental Sheath

Vijnanamaya Kosha


Sheath of Knowledge

Anandamaya Kosha


Sheath of Bliss

The Graphical Representation of the Kosha 


Fig : depicting the pancha Kosha where Kosha are not separated but intermingled as the overlapping layer like the layer of the Onion.

Different Functions of the Panchakosha : Physiological Aspects


I.     Annamaya Kosha is related with physical existence and this becomes possible through the sustenance on the food. Therefore, the basic layer of the existence bilt on the basis of Ahara. Physiologically, Annamaya kosha is related with the digestive system of the body. The proper functioning of the digestive system is the basis of not only the good health but longevity also. According to Gita also food taken affects the body differently as per the quality, quantity and state of the mind at the time of intake. Here we may sum up that the Annamaya kosha is the important and necessary layer of existence. 

II.    Pranamaya Kosha is related with Prana which is the vital force of the body or existence. Prana as the sole motivating force has been profusely discussed not only in the Taittariya Upanishad but in entire Upanishadic literature. Prana, in terms of the air inhaled signify the functioning of the lungs but also palpitation of the Heart and blood circulation. What is significant in term of the Tattariya Upanishad is that is describe the Prana as Vital force----------------------------. Physiologically Pranamaya Kosha is related directly with the Respiratory System but also Endocrine System of the body. Upanishad in not much revealed terminology describes the methodology of the Prana Sadhana. 

III.   Manomaya Kosha is the psychical existence; mind and functioning of the mind and their role in life are considered. Due to improper functioning and or misbalance of the annamaya kosha leads to psychological disorders and diseases of the nervous system.  

IV.   Vijnanamaya Kosha is related with the consciousness. Awareness, alertness, activity and proper growth and integrated development are all the proper and nourishing aspects of the manifestation of the human consciousness. This human consciousness is here referred in terms of the Vijnanamaya Kosha. Vijnana is also related with the knowledge or more accurately knowledge of the Reality. As much as one remains to be perfected into the realm of Vijnamaya Kosha one enjoys nearness to the Reality. Physiologically, consciousness is the function of the brain. Although its musterious full functioning and all aspects still lying unexplored in the realm of Medical Science.

V.    Ananadamaya Kosha is the Kosha/sheath related with the bliss or blissful existence. According to Upanishad all the activities and business finally resolved or culminates in Ananada. Anaanda is also equated with the Brahama or Supreme reality. Physiologically, the balanced, contented and unhindered life force and life energy generates happiness which is the basis for bliss existence.

Here with reference to above description this is obvious that Upanishad remarkably define human existence in terms of five sheath or Panch Kosha. Here subject matter dealt in expository language but what are the Hathayogaic Practices i.e. Asana, Pranayama etc. not seem to be discussed at large because of two reasons that HathaYogic development is later development, and second that whaterver Pancha Kosha theory occuer in Upanishads only ir refernce ot the queries of Bhrigu and his father Guru Rishi Varuna.


The aim of Yoga Therapy



The aim of Yoga therapy is to operate these Koshas in a coordinated manner. The different techniques of Yoga will make these Koshas to function at its optimum level. According to Yoga, the disturbance starts at Annamaya Kosha or Manomaya kosha in the form of strong likes or dislikes. These disturbed mental activities, when becomes uncontrolled percolated to Pranamaya Kosha, In Pranamaya Kosha this results in Haphazard flow of Prana and Nadis, this further acts on the annamaya kosha resulting in Ajeernatvam (faulty digestion) and atijeertvam (over digestion). This ultimately results in some form of disease symptoms. 

When we consider the effect of disturbances on the subtle sheaths, the following chain of reaction can be seen : 

Disturbance in Manomaya Kosha


Distrubance in Intellect and Knowleged and Intellect


Failure to take right decision at right time


End up with Problem

Loss of Ananada (Bliss)


The techniques of Yoga can very well play in controlling the mental disturbace. As mentioned above, the very definition of Yoga given by Patañjali itself states that Yogaschittavritti nirodhah and Yogavashishatha the as Manaprashamanopaya yogah (Yoga is a tool to calm down the mental modifications)


Kosha, Disorders related with, and suggested effective Yoga Practices




Kosha regarding

Related Disorder

Efficacious Yoga Practices


Annamaya Kosha

Digestive, Disorder

Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Vajrasana and its modifications based on the practice

Nadishodhana, Anulaoma and Viloma

Om chanting


Pranamaya Kosha

Respiratory, Cardiac Disorder,

Simhasana, Vajrasana, Paschimottanasana, Nadishodhana, Ujjayi, Surya Namaskar, Meditation.


Manomaya Kosha

Psychological or Mental Disorder, Endocrinal, Disorder

Relaxative and cultural Asanas

Nadishodhana Pranayama



Vijnanamaya Kosha

----- do -----

Dharana and Pratyahara Yogic Practices, Deep breathing and Retention (Kumbhaka) and Meditation


Ananadamaya Kosha

Various Disorders

Which hinders overall expansion expansion of life energy, happiness and realization of blissful existence.

The rectification of the disorders related with Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya leads to Proper channelizing of blissful existence

Above and group of multiple Pactices as per the identification of the case.

Table : depicting Disorders regarding the Kosha and effective yoga practices.




  1. Tattariya Upanishad, MLBD, New Delhi
  2. Tattariya Upanishad and Commentary of Adishankaracharya, Gita Press Gorakhapur, U.P.
  3. Upanishatsamgraha, MLBD, New Delhi
  4. Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy, R.D. Ranadey, MLBD, New Delhi
  5. Yoga Traditions

Further discussion and consideration 

  1. Role and realization of Pancha Kosha - Methods and Identification.
  2. Identifying the diseases relating with the disorders and concerning Kosha.


Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.